The removal of dilma rousseff: affections and discourses in the political contention




Facebook. Communication and politics. Discourse.


In this paper we inquire what are the meanings produced by two players
(Frente Brasil Popular and Vem pra Rua) at Facebook. They are among the various political movements pro and against the removal of President Dilma Roussef, in April 2016. The analysis is based on Laclau’s discursive theory and Zilberbeg and Fontanille’s tensive semiotics. The research questions are: which are the communication contracts and themes constructed by this two enunciators, from opposite sides of the political spectrum? Which are the fundamental semantic oppositions? Which political discourses transverse this convocations? Which are the nodal points of those discourses? How do they construct, in each case, the image of ‘the people’? What affections do one and another political movements put on scene? What are the positions of these enunciators, through the semiotics of the event therms? Through the tensive semiotics approach, how to understand this political movements with the mechanisms of triage and mixture? Finally, how can we think the construction of democracy from this polarization?


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Author Biographies

José Luiz Aidar Prado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo (SP)

Professor doutor do Programa de Estudos Pós-graduados em Comunicação e Semiótica da PUC-SP; editor da revista Galáxia; autor de Habermas com Lacan e de Convocações biopolíticas dos dispositivos comunicacionais e coordenador e organizador da hipermídia Regime de visibilidade em revistas. Coautor de Sintoma e fantasia no capitalismo comunicacional.

Vinicius Prates da Fonseca Bueno, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo (SP)

Doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP e coautor de Sintoma e Fantasia no Capitalismo Comunicacional.


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How to Cite

Prado, J. L. A., & Bueno, V. P. da F. (2019). The removal of dilma rousseff: affections and discourses in the political contention. Revista FAMECOS, 26(2), e31913.


