Occult Title Drops Minister of Justice: Zero Hour Versus People's Mail in Persecution of Our Daily Reader


  • Humberto Ivan Keske PUCRS




Communication, journalism, headline analysis


This text seeks to analyze the importance of the title as the main form of persuasion of the reader, discussing the ideological and structural aspects of the news. In this sense, it was taken into account the different type of title of the matter on the resignation of the Minister of Justice, José Carlos Dias, published by the newspapers Zero Hora (Dispute for the fight against drugs drops the Minister of Justice) and Correio do Povo Minister of Justice), on April 12, 2000. The analysis of the titles in the two newspapers gives us a sample of how the fact was treated by the Gaucho press in that period.


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Author Biography

Humberto Ivan Keske, PUCRS

Master in communication by PUCRS


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How to Cite

Ivan Keske, H. (2008). Occult Title Drops Minister of Justice: Zero Hour Versus People’s Mail in Persecution of Our Daily Reader. Revista FAMECOS, 8(16), 148–161. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2001.16.3145


