The urban chaos and the poetics of the cities: a study of media, daily life and sociability


  • Cláudio Paiva Federal University of Paraíba



Communication, culture, sociality


This work is the update of a chapter of the Dionysian thesis in the Middle Ages, defended in the Doctorate of Social Sciences, René Descartes University, Paris V, Sorbonne, in the winter of 1995, under the guidance of Michel Maffesoli. We follow the clues that can stimulate an interpretation of contemporary tendencies in Brazilian culture, including urban music, fashion, advertising, cinema and television. It is a study that suggests pertinent approaches to the researches on communication and language, firstly because it deals with the narratives that translate and performatizam the daily, telenovelas. We prefer, above all, a look at the modes of communication and sociability, for the interactions and connections experienced by individuals in the information age.


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Author Biography

Cláudio Paiva, Federal University of Paraíba

Professor of the Communication Department of the Federal University of Paraíba.


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How to Cite

Paiva, C. (2008). The urban chaos and the poetics of the cities: a study of media, daily life and sociability. Revista FAMECOS, 8(16), 88–100.


