The diffusion of the Internet: sociological profile of the Spanish adopter


  • Roberto de Miguel Pascual Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Broadcasting, Computer Mediated Communication, Internet Users


The main purpose of this work is to distinguish the different profiles of Internet users in Spain. The methodology suggested by Everett M. Rogers leads to the establishement of five main categories of people regarding their process of acceptance of a new technology. The empirical application is carried through a sample of both actual and potential users of Internet in Spain. To differentiate peopleʼs behaviors according to each category, the study uses the technique of segmentation analysis. 


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Author Biography

Roberto de Miguel Pascual, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid


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How to Cite

de Miguel Pascual, R. (2008). The diffusion of the Internet: sociological profile of the Spanish adopter. Revista FAMECOS, 8(14), 66–76.



New Technologies