Philosophical thinking as a virtual network: updates in times of communicational networks


  • Francisco E. Menezes Martin Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul



Communication, philosophy, virtual


Communication, in search of references on the reflexes of its practice, must approach philosophy in order to reap in networks time a network of thought dispersed by time, but which forms the virtual of philosophy, the instance of conservation and power To be updated as a theoretical perspective and as guidance in research in this area. By creating an image, one can see the river of Heraclitus, the flow of becoming. In a margin, communication in digital networks, postmodern culture, the evo luist vertigo of the relationship with technology, globalization and social injustices of the so-called consumer society or information. On the other side of the river, philosophy, with its schools, systems and doctrines: a permanent state of virtual debate on the questions of being, of man and of the world.


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Author Biography

Francisco E. Menezes Martin, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Social Communication of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Martin, F. E. M. (2008). Philosophical thinking as a virtual network: updates in times of communicational networks. Revista FAMECOS, 5(9), 150–155.


