Newsmaking and photography: an example of the news production routines applied to photographic making


  • Fernando Bohrer Schmitt Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul



Communication, Newsmaking, photography


The approaches to journalistic production usually relate to the verbal text, or at best take it as a parameter of language for the analysis of the whole complex that constitutes a newspaper or a magazine. However, the linguistic text is only a part, one of the languages involved in the system of signification of a journalistic publication; An extremely important part, of course. But at least three more could be cited immediately: graphic design, illustration and photography, each endowed with specificities that are not always recognized. Considered for a long time as secondary, as an addendum, the visuality of news is decisive in the construction of meanings in journalism. It is no wonder that the aesthetics of newspapers and magazines is becoming more sophisticated every day, seeking to meet specific audiences and thus communicate better.


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Author Biography

Fernando Bohrer Schmitt, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Master's degree in the Faculty of Social Communication of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Bohrer Schmitt, F. (2008). Newsmaking and photography: an example of the news production routines applied to photographic making. Revista FAMECOS, 5(9), 98–110.


