From Amazonas to the Northeast: Brazil under the gaze of a Portuguese literary journalist




Literary Journalism, Brazil, Miguel Sousa Tavares


Miguel Sousa Tavares is a renowned Portuguese journalist and writer also known for his travel chronicles. On analysing his accounts on travels made to Brazil, published in his book Sul (2007), we intend to locate Sousa Tavares within a lineage of literary journalists which have traveling as their journalistic interest. This study focuses on the confluence between literary journalism and travel writing and explores the role of the literary journalist as a revelear of alterity. It is also important to the analysis of how Sousa Tavares apprehends and exposes the Brazilian realities he encounters to a Portuguese audience. Through literary journalism, Sousa Tavares draws a portrait of Brazil characterised by duplicity and the avoidance of stereotypes. In the end, more than the exuberant landscapes, the Brazilian Other that seduces Sousa Tavares is the simple, welcoming people he meets in Amazonian tribes or in the vast beaches of the Northeast.


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Author Biography

Isabel Soares, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) da Universidade de Lisboa.

Doutorada em Estudos Anglo-Portugueses, Presidente da International Association for Literary Journalism Studies, Professora Auxiliar no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP) da Universidade de Lisboa, investigadora integrada do Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas (CAPP).


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How to Cite

Soares, I. (2016). From Amazonas to the Northeast: Brazil under the gaze of a Portuguese literary journalist. Revista FAMECOS, 23(4), ID24664.