The creation of meaning in television journalism: public health and the myth Roland Barthes


  • Florentina das Neves Souza Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Reinaldo César Zanardi Universidade Norte do Paraná



Jornal Nacional, Myth, Public health.


 The image as a surface representing the world provides elements for the creation of the myth from the talks, selected in a socio-historical context and ideological. The myth, like speech, is so tied to the language you need this for your constitution. Roland Barthes argues that myth is a speech and this is the starting point of this article is to discuss the myth and its structures, using as examples reports on public health, conveyed in the Jornal Nacional (JN), Rede Globo, in 2011. The corpus of work considered 42 reports with a total of 133 minutes and 49 seconds. The result shows that the focus of the reports is predominantly negative. Overcrowding, long waiting, delay and lack of care, pilgrimage lines are selected by JN that help build the myth of the inefficiency of public health in the country.


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Author Biographies

Florentina das Neves Souza, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutora em Comunicação pela USP, docente do programa de mestrado em Comunicação - UEL

Reinaldo César Zanardi, Universidade Norte do Paraná

Mestre em Comunicação pela UEL, docente do curso de comunicação da Universidade Norte do Paraná


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How to Cite

Souza, F. das N., & Zanardi, R. C. (2014). The creation of meaning in television journalism: public health and the myth Roland Barthes. Revista FAMECOS, 20(3), 730–755.


