The silenced crisis of modernity and culture technologies of real virtuality


  • Maria Christianni Coutinho Marçal UFPE
  • Sérgio Carvalho Benício de Mello UFPE
  • Maria Iraê de Souza Corrêa Universidade Rural Federal de Pernambuco.



Modernity, virtual culture, real


This article aims to reflect the present crises in our contemporary culture permeated by modernity and by the media and digital technologies that emanate from that. The first crisis reflected was the broken promise of modernity that underlay in progress, democracy and human emancipation. The other crisis to which we refer is due to the technology interference in the context of human perception creating a kind of “blindness” that objective, reified and unifies the representations of everyday phenomena interpellating and destabilizing the ethical and aesthetic references that give meaning to the experiences and that build human subjectivity, social relations and political life, making us rethink what is to be considered real.


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How to Cite

Marçal, M. C. C., de Mello, S. C. B., & Corrêa, M. I. de S. (2012). The silenced crisis of modernity and culture technologies of real virtuality. Revista FAMECOS, 19(1), 249–263.


