The emergence of the psychological novel and the portrait of the inner life


  • Ubiratan Machado Pinto UFRGS


processos psíquicos, fluxo de consciência, monólogo interior


The purpose of this literary work is to study introspection novels through analysis of inner perception and sentiments in relation to lived the subject. The goal of this study is also to establish affinities and differences between the traditional or epic characteristic way of narrating and the intimist way of narrating, exemplifying the interior process of character in some brazilian novels published in distintict periods (1880 until 1940). Therefore, it was selected for this analysis the novel O Ateneu (1888), from Raul Pompéia and Angústia (1936), from Graciliano Ramos. So, both narratives are placed in contrast while it draw similarities between them to concern the introspection of the protagonists that are inserted in these ficcional works.


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How to Cite

Pinto, U. M. (2009). The emergence of the psychological novel and the portrait of the inner life. Letrônica, 2(1), 353–360. Retrieved from