Contrast of perspectives and time projection of Magellan’s feat




Ferdinand Magellan, voyage Around the World, Antonio Pigafetta


The adventure of traveling around the world has been the subject of extensive research. Several studies offer different perspectives, and among some of the noteworthy ones are: Magellan, by Laurence Bergreen, which offers us a broad and documented look at the expedition; The First Voyage Around the World, by José Luís Comellas García-Llera, which is based on the author’s excellent knowledge of the maritime world; The First Voyage Around the World, 1519-1522, by Agustín Rodríguez González, which portrays this feat both from the nautical-scientific as well as human point of view; and, Ferdinand Magellan, by Ricardo Majo Framis, which is an in-depth study of the life and accomplishments of Ferdinand Magellan. They study the psychology of the protagonists and the situation in Spain and Portugal at that time, based on two fundamental sources — Antonio Pigafetta’s and Francisco López de Gómara’s view of the voyage. Finally, the work of the great Austrian biographer Stefan Zweig, Magellan, is remarkable because of his capacity to contextualize events, to present a wealth of nuances, and offer a profound psychological perspective. The objective of this study is to contrast the perspectives offered by authors representative of Renaissance values: Antonio Pigafetta and three of the most outstanding chroniclers of that time.


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Author Biography

Lizbeth Souza-Fuertes, Baylor University (BU), Waco, Texas, United States of America.

Doctorado en Lenguas Romances (Literatura Latinoamericana) por la Universidad de Georgia (UGA), en Athens, GA, Estados Unidos; Maestría en Lingüística Española por la Universidad de Georgia (UGA), en Athens, GA, Estados Unidos; Licenciatura por la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), en Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Profesora de español, portugués, literatura y cultura latinoamericanas y Directora de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Baylor University (BU) en Waco, TX, Estados Unidos.


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How to Cite

Souza-Fuertes, L. (2022). Contrast of perspectives and time projection of Magellan’s feat. Letrônica, 15(1), e41752.

