Semantic holograms: a metatheoretical proposal toward the evaluation of complex meaning within natural language




Modality. Semantic holography. Metatheory of Interfaces. Logic and natural language.


This paper proposes to evaluate the dimensions of causality as a phenomenon below and beyond the semantic instance, identifiable by means of the approximation between sentence meaning and speaker meaning, which is expressed through the relation between cause/effect feasible by modality. It is assumed that the causal phenomenon, representing both its relevance to human cognition and wider scopes of grammar, falls within the category of complex meaning, requiring the aid of the syntactic and pragmatic disciplines for the semiformal study of its nature and occurrence in the logical-linguistic sphere. Thus, this article is organized according to the following structure: a) the causal phenomenon and its expression within natural language via modality regarding its respective implications for i) everyday communication, ii) scientific language and iii) the ontology of Mind’s, Logic’s, Language’s, Linguistics’ and Science’s Philosophy; b) the constitution of semantic holography by means of a metatheoretical proposal sustained by an interface between logic and natural language; and c) the analysis of complex meaning of causality via modality on the interface between i) syntax and semantics and ii) semantics and pragmatics as symmetrical holograms.


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Author Biography

Yuri Fernando da Silva Penz, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Humanidades, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Doutorando em Letras com concentração em Linguística, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, PUCRS. Este artigo se pauta pelo Projeto de Pesquisa do CNPq, “Modalidade Lógica: um estudo de interfaces”, e pelo Grupo de Pesquisa do CNPq, Lógica e Linguagem Natural. Sendo um recorte da dissertação de mestrado do autor, cabe declarar que o presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal Nível Superior (CAPES) – Código de Financiamento 001


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How to Cite

Penz, Y. F. da S. (2019). Semantic holograms: a metatheoretical proposal toward the evaluation of complex meaning within natural language. Letrônica, 12(2), e32481.