Ridendo Castigat Mores: the struggle against the “parnasian fleas” in the pages of the Semana Ilustrada


  • Adriana Dusilek UNESP




Semana Ilustrada, Reverse criticism, Chronicle.


Within the literary criticism in the chronicles of the Semana Ilustrada (1861-1876), I propose to identify what characterize the so-called “bad poets”. These “rhymer poets”, “poets without lute”, “invalid poets”, “poets of broken foot”, were constantly targeted by the chroniclers to ridicule. It was with subtle irony or with overt demonstration, the chroniclers that pointed to the “poetic aberrations” had the objective to correct through the laughter, as the motto of the Semana Ilustrada was precisely the latin saying: “Ridendo castigat mores”. As, in addition to the “reverse criticism”, had also the called “serious criticism”, which differed from one another was that it was an exaggerated tone, in addition to the excerpts transcribed that deny the praise to the examined poet. In one of the texts the chronicler calls “parnasian flea” the writers without skill and knowledge. So, therefore, the traces of these writers without talent can be possible to distinguish the aspects that should be avoided in poetry from the 1960s and 1970s of the 19th century. By the according to the chroniclers of the Semana Ilustrada, are also check that the elements discussed are still current, because it´s conditions for the writers.


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Author Biography

Adriana Dusilek, UNESP

Doutora em literatura pela Unesp/Assis. Atualmente investiga a crítica literária no periódico carioca Semana Ilustrada (1860-1876) através do PNPD/CAPES. É uma das organizadoras do livro Machado de Assis: crítica literária e textos diversos (2013), e autora de Metamemória e Romance (2015). Atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: romance brasileiro contemporâneo; metamemória; crítica literária de Machado de Assis; periódico Semana Ilustrada. É pesquisadora associada à Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos do Oitocentos (SEO) e à Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA).


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How to Cite

Dusilek, A. (2015). Ridendo Castigat Mores: the struggle against the “parnasian fleas” in the pages of the Semana Ilustrada. Letrônica, 8(2), 586–595. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-4301.2015.2.20407