The otherness as a fact and a reason for the writing of literary histories




Literary history, Narrative, Otherness.


This article aims to discuss the narrative structure of possible Literary History(ies), as from the articulation of concepts of Certeau and Paul Ricoeur on the writing of History. The systemic approach of Grumbrecht and the narratological elements proposed by David Perkins for the construction of literary history(ies) seem to go along with contemporary issues of identity and belonging to marginalized groups (otherness) seeking their places in the literary representation.


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Author Biography

Ana Maria Coelho Silva Wertheimer, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS

Doutoranda em Teoria da Literatura do programa de pós-graduação da Faculdade de Letras da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS


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How to Cite

Wertheimer, A. M. C. S. (2015). The otherness as a fact and a reason for the writing of literary histories. Letrônica, 8(2), 484–493.