The Contribution Of Multi-Representational Models To Sound Variation


  • Izabel Cristina Campolina Miranda ufmg
  • Daniela Mara Lima Oliveira Guimarães ufmg


Usage Based Phonology, Exemplar Models, Phonological Variation


This paper aims to discuss theories called multi-representational models (usagebased phonology and exemplar models), highlighting the contributions of these theories to the comprehension of sound variation and change. According to multi-representational models, variation is part of a speaker’s knowledge and is represented in his mind alongside with sociointeractional factors. Thus, mental representation is considered multiple, variable and dynamic as language is. We argue that multi-representational models give an important contribution to variation analysis incorporating gradient templates and probability in the organization of linguistic knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Izabel Cristina Campolina Miranda, ufmg

fonoaudiológica, mestre e doutora em linguística, realizada estágio de pós-doutorado na UFMG.

Daniela Mara Lima Oliveira Guimarães, ufmg

professora de lingua portuguesa e linguística, pós-doutoranda UFMG.



How to Cite

Miranda, I. C. C., & Oliveira Guimarães, D. M. L. (2013). The Contribution Of Multi-Representational Models To Sound Variation. Letrônica, 6(1), 214–227. Retrieved from