The center-sacred and the peripheral-profane in the Conquest of America




Conquest of America. Sacred. Profane. Sacrifice.


The present paper aims to offering an analysis of the process of Conquest of America, especially in Latin America, from the antagonism between the concepts of sacred and profane, as well as the opposition between the center and the periphery, taken in correlation with the Eurocentric perception over the New World. In order to fulfill our purpose, the works of Fustel de Coulanges will serve as a basis for the analysis of the bride's cult change in the ancient Greek marriage, as well as we will base ourselves in Mircea Eliade, who developed an approach about the rituals that seek to make sacred the formerly profane. America and its populations, seen as peripheral and profane, should be dominated, so needed to be sacralized, brought to the center. Thus, the idea of sacrifice, the "making sacred", here taken not only in the sense of a physical act, emerges.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Ribeiro, M. (2019). The center-sacred and the peripheral-profane in the Conquest of America. Intuitio, 12(2), e34349.