Images of Chile: the Documentary Photograph Between the Social Denunciation and the Authorial Expression


  • Charles Monteiro Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, RS



documentary photography, Chilean Dictatorship, Kena Lorenzini, images of Chile.


This article proposes a reflection on the picture of Kena Lorenzini to think ways of social resistance and the maintenance of memory about the missing during the military dictatorship in Chile. Photographs of women in public acts against dictatorship are especially important to reflect on ways to give visibility in public space to political repression, torture and censorship that characterized that period of recent history Latin America. The work of photographers and photographers organized in independent agency, such as the AFI where played Kena Lorenzini, helped to give visibility to the resistance and the Chilean civil society struggle for the return of democracy. Almost thirty years after the return of democracy, the Chilean cultural field continues to present visual productions that incite reflection on the State terrorism that struck the country between 1973 and 1988.


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Author Biography

Charles Monteiro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, RS

Doutor em História Social (PUC-SP, 2001), Pós-Doutorado em História Social e Cultural da Fotografia (U. Paris 1, 2014). Professor do PPG de História da PUCRS (desde 2002). Coordenador do Laboratório de Pesquisa em História da Imagem e do Som (PPGH/PUCRS).


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How to Cite

Monteiro, C. (2018). Images of Chile: the Documentary Photograph Between the Social Denunciation and the Authorial Expression. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 44(3), 528–535.

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