“Crímenes que no se pueden punir ni perdonar” – Pensar con Hannah Arendt, en el debate sobre el pasado reciente en Argentina


  • Claudia Hilb Universidad de Buenos Aires




Hannah Arendt, Evil, Banality, Forgiveness, Punishment.


***“Crimes that can’t be punished or forgiven” – Thinking with Hannah Arendt, in the debate about the recent past in Argentina***

The paper focuses on a sentence often repeated by Hannah Arendt, stating “crimes we can neither punish nor forgive”, and discusses the use made of this sentence in debates on recent history in Argentina, where it is repeated as a slogan which should make all thinking about forgiveness impossible. The paper tracks the different manifestations of this sentence through Arendt’s work, and argues that with the changes Arendt introduces in her reflection on evil, the way we should reflect on the relationship between evil, punishment and forgiveness ought to be modified as well.


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Author Biography

Claudia Hilb, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doutora em Ciências Sociais pela Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) e DEA em Estudos Latino-americanos e Ciência Política pela Université Paris III. Professora de Teoria Política na IIGG-Facultad de Ciencias Sociales da Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) e pesquisadora independente do Conicet, tem se dedicado à pesquisa em teoria política contemporânea, particularmente sobre a violência política e os desdobramentos da memória sobre o campo político. Entre suas publicações, destacam-se Silencio, Cuba – La Izquierda Democrática frente al régimen de la Revolución Cubana (2010) e Usos del Pasado – que hacemos hoy con los setenta (2013) e Abismos de la Modernidad – reflexiones en torno a Hannah Arendt, Claude Lefort y Leo Strauss (2016).


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ARENDT, Hannah. Essays in Understanding. New York: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1994.

ARENDT, Hannah. Responsibility and Judgment. New York: Schocken Books, 2003.

ARENDT, Hannah. Diario filosófico 1950-1973. Barcelona: Herder, 2006.

BENHABIB, Seyla. Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem. In: VILLA, Dana. The Cambridge Companion to Hannah Arendt. Santa Barbara (CAL): Cambridge U.P., 2000. p. 65-87.

BERNSTEIN, Richard. Did Hannah Arendt change her Mind? From Radical Evil to the Banality of Evil. In: MAY, Larry; KOHN, Jerome (Ed.). Hannah Arendt. Twenty Years Later. Cambridge (MASS.): The MIT Press, 1996. p. 127-146.

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How to Cite

Hilb, C. (2017). “Crímenes que no se pueden punir ni perdonar” – Pensar con Hannah Arendt, en el debate sobre el pasado reciente en Argentina. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 43(3), 548–559. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-864X.2017.3.25879



Dossier: Amor Mundi – Actuality and Reception of Hannah Arendt’s Work