Practices and principles of combative syndicalism in the 2012 Quebec student strike


  • Cayley Sorochan



Canada, student movement, street protests, strike.


Similarly to other protest movements in the 21st century, the Quebec students articulated their demand for tuition-free education alongside a critique of neoliberal policies, the failed logic of austerity, and the weakening of democratic institutions. While the central participants in the struggle were students, this broader social critique attracted a diverse array of citizens, activists and organizations to its cause, resulting in a broad-based movement that for a time became the enter of political struggles in Quebec.


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How to Cite

Sorochan, C. (2015). Practices and principles of combative syndicalism in the 2012 Quebec student strike. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 41(2), 261–284.



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