To be less inside the temple and more in the street: Transformation of evangelical space in Chile, 1990-2012


  • Evguenia Fediakova Universidad de Santiago de Chile



Evangelicals. Pentecostals. Religious space. Political and social changes. Introducción En nuestros artículos anteriores hemos tratado de mostrar los profundos cambios


During the last ten years, the Chilean evangelical world has suffered a significant change in its religious space. The temple, as built as a structure, is no longer the main place for prayers and religious development activities, leading to the emergence of other forms of belief’s expression, which are not necessarily ecclesiastical. On the one hand, evangelicals and Pentecostals who do not feel represented in the strict and limited world of the church, left it to practice their religion in a different way: participating in interfaith discussion groups, NGOs in social assistance or in centers of political studies. On the other hand, it has decreased the influence of formal religion, emerging extra space for different kind of expressions and ecclesiastical forms of “Christianity without religion”. The concept of “temple” has changed the meaning, becoming anywhere a place of worship communication directly between the believer and God. This diversity of evangelical religious spaces has important implications for the relations between Christians and society, political world and university, as well as the evolution of the evangelical and Pentecostal identity.


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Author Biography

Evguenia Fediakova, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Ph.D en Ciencia Política, Investigadora del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de la USACH. El artículo está redactado en el marco del proyecto FONDECYT Nº 1130220 “Saliendo del “refugio de las masas”. Evangélicos chilenos y su compromiso cívico-social, 1990-2010”.


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How to Cite

Fediakova, E. (2015). To be less inside the temple and more in the street: Transformation of evangelical space in Chile, 1990-2012. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 40(2), 240–257.


