Antijesuitism in Montevideo at the beginning of the 20th century: Brochures published by the Association of Liberal Propaganda (1900-1905)


  • Susana Monreal Catholic University of Uruguay



Anti clericalism. Anti-Jesuitism. Uruguay.


In the early 20th century a new push of secularization took place in
Uruguay. The Jesuits represented a real support for the Church and a worthy adversary for anticlerical centers. The Association of Liberal Propaganda gained prominence as a promotional center dedicated to the publication of brochures. The series that appeared between 1900 and 1905 included an anti-Jesuit campaign that put the accent on three stereotypes: Machiavellianism, commercialism and despotism.


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Author Biography

Susana Monreal, Catholic University of Uruguay

Profesor titular de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Doctor en Ciencias Históricas
por la Universidad Católica de Lovaina (KULeuven).


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How to Cite

Monreal, S. (2014). Antijesuitism in Montevideo at the beginning of the 20th century: Brochures published by the Association of Liberal Propaganda (1900-1905). Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 39(2), 285–303.




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