Call for Submission - Letras de Hoje


Special issue: Text as the texture of culture

Period: 15/04/2024 a 30/05/2024



As the title suggests, this call is dedicated to discussing the problems associated with the idea of ​​the text as the texture of culture, also defined by the philosopher Natália Avtonómova as the “communicative texture” of the time.

With the advent of the Web 2.0 era, the term “intertextuality” (proposed in 1967 by Julia Kristeva and formulated in part based on the theory of anagrams by Ferdinand de Saussure, the works of Yuri Tynianov and Mikhail Bakhtin and relating to texts of different natures) has undergone significant transformations, and today we are already talking about hypertext in relation to literature and culture as a whole.

In 1982, Gérard Genette, author of the concept of palimpsest, proposed the notion of “architext” as an object of poetics. Today, both concepts are used in a broader sense, as is Yuri Lotman's original concept of “text”: in the historical movement of culture, the world is seen as an enormous textual space, a kind of ocean of textualities, in the which the writer/author himself, his texts, the evaluations of these texts coexist and which is similar to polyphony, a concept used by Mikhail Bakhtin in relation to Fyodor Dostoevsky's novels.

When creating his life, when creating one or another poetic context of his biography, the author separates the life he lived and the life he wrote, he strives to escape the traditional linear form, creating writing as life and life as writing (Roland Barthes). Therefore, understanding the sphere of life and the sphere of writing are inseparable. Writing (a creative recreation) of oneself can be woven from elementary particles (experienced moments, scenes, images, sensations, words) extracted from one's own life, as well as from the perception of one's texts by others and current texts, whether they are fictional or not.

At the level of discourse, this vision finds expression in the concept of the “discursive moment”. According to Sophie Moirand, “The discursive moment is the circulation of concepts linked to scientific or technical events with a political dimension and the modifications of these concepts in the process of their circulation. As a result of these modifications, specialized words acquire new meanings, sometimes to the detriment of their original meaning, and end up functioning as an allusion rather than a denotation” (Moirand, 2007, p.20).

In this call, we seek to explore the following questions: how do different intertexts coexist within a text, a statement, a discourse? And, more broadly, what is the relationship between text and life? Would they really have a common nature and be related to each other? Can life be fully created and understood through writing? On the other hand, would writing be enough to create life?




AVTONÓMOVA, N.Открытая структура: Якобсон-Бахтин-Лотман-Гаспаров. (Estrutura aberta: Jakobson-Bakhtin-Lotman-Gaspárov). Moscou, РОССПЭН, 2009.

BAKHTIN, M. O problema do texto na lingüística, na filologia e em outras ciências humanas. In: Estética da criação verbal, 2003[1959-1961]).

BARTHES, R. La préparation du roman: Cours au Collège de France (1978-1979 et 1979-1980). Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2015, 608 р.

GENETTE, G. Palimspestes: la littérature au second degré. – Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1982, p. 7.

GRILLO, S. V. C., REBOUL-TOURÉ, S., GLUSHKOVA, M. Analyse du discours et comparaison : enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques. Bruxelles : Peter Lang, 2021, 350 p.

LOTMAN, Iú. Текст как семиотическая проблемам (O texto como um problema semiótico). In: LOTMAN, Iú. Статьи по семиотике культуры. (Artigos sobre a semiótica da cultura). São Petersburgo: Академический проект, 2002, 543 p.

MOIRAND, S. Les discours de la presse quotidienne. Observer, analyser, comprendre, 2007, Paris, PUF (collection Linguistique nouvelle), 180 p.

TYNIÁNOV, Iu. О литературной эволюции. Sobre a evolução literária. In: TYNIÁNOV, Iu.  Поэтика. История литературы. Кино. (Poética, história da literatura, cinema). Moscou: Наука, 1977, p. 270-281.

TYNIÁNOV, Iu. Проблемы изучения литературы и языка. (Problemas dos estudos da literatura e da língua). In: TYNIÁNOV, Iu.  Поэтика. История литературы. Кино. (Poética, história da literatura, cinema). Moscou: Наука, 1977, p. 282–283.



Profa. Dra. Ekaterina Volkova Américo (Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF)

Profa. Dra. Maria Glushkova (Grupo “Analyse du discourse et Culture” dans l’axe “Sens et discours” du Clesthia, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Paris)

Prof. Dr. Alexei Ovcharenko (Universidade Russa pela Amizade dos Povos – RUDN, Moscou)

Prof. Dr. Cláudio Primo Delanoy (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS)