The social in question

The popular imagery revelations in the intertwining of mural art with photography




popular, Latin America, muralism


This article aims to provoke discussion about the leading role played by popular subjects in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on the historical demarcation of the relationship between the popular and the revolutionary processes on the continent, especially the Mexican Revolution. To this end, an exercise will be carried out to visualize a photograph (anonymous), a mural art (by Diego Rivera) and a woodcut (by Posada). In this text, the popular is stated as the universe of subjects who, linked to super-exploitation through formal or informal work, demarcate, in the most violated social stratum of the capitalist mode of production (peripheral condition in general, and urban peripheral in particular) , the stories of resistance, experiences, even amid the hegemony of capital. Methodologically, the development will be unfolded based on a generating question, provided by the Cuban Alejo Carpentier: But what is the history of America if not a chronicle of the real-wonderful?


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Author Biography

Roberta Traspadini, Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil.

Popular, Latin American, feminist and black educator. Post-Doctorate in International Relations from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2023). Adjunct Professor IV at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). Coordinator of the CNPq Research group Knowledge in Movement: the struggle for land and work in Latin America and of the award-winning Observatory of Popular Education and Social Movements in Latin America (OBEPAL).


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How to Cite

Traspadini, R. (2024). The social in question: The popular imagery revelations in the intertwining of mural art with photography. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 23(1), e45602.


