Recycling citizenship in an interdisciplinarity network


  • Andréa Jaeger Foresti PUCRS
  • Andreza Sulzbach PUCRS
  • Heloisa Schneider Fortes PUCRS
  • Marilize Pacheco Alves PUCRS
  • Simone Barros de Oliveira PUCRS
  • Tiane Alves da Silva PUCRS


This article has the objective to demonstrate the process of constitution of an NGO REDECRIAR, directly connected to the Project Recycling Citizenship in Interdisciplinarity, examining the elements that are imbricated within it. The first element refers to the Third sector, which is configurated as a space for professional intervention, making it possible the articulation of interdisciplinary knowledge based on ethical principles that aim to guarantee the universality of social public policies. The second element to be examined is the sustainable development which was the main theme of the planned actions because it incorpores in it is concept the balance between the environmental, social and economic questions. This composition has determined the effectiveness of the proposal when it draws the contents of its intervention, which is directed, to a collective target population. In this perspective, the implementation of the methodological processes of the social network intervention forms the third element in the constitution of the NGO REDECRIAR, going in the direction of the recycling – practical approximation of a new concept – of citizenship, made by a group of professionals from Social Work, Biology and Nutrition.

Key words – Citizenship. Sustainable development. Interdisciplinarity. Social question. Environmental preservation.


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How to Cite

Foresti, A. J., Sulzbach, A., Fortes, H. S., Alves, M. P., Oliveira, S. B. de, & Silva, T. A. da. (2006). Recycling citizenship in an interdisciplinarity network. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 5(2), 1–18. Retrieved from



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