Contributions of Corpus Linguistics to Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL) teachers training

recommendations based on the description of proficiency levels assessed in a Written Task of Celpe-Bras




Celpe-Bras exam, Corpus Linguistics, Teachers' training


This article explores the didactic application of Corpus Linguistics (CL) and its implications for the training of Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL) teachers through the analysis of texts written by Celpe-Bras examinees. Celpe-Bras assesses the use of the Portuguese language by requiring the production of texts of different genres that establish different interlocutory relationships (Brasil, 2020; Schoffen, 2021). Our theoretical approach is based on studies by Berber Sardinha (2000), Viana (2008), Biber (2009) and Granger (2009) to conceptualize LC assumptions, as well as Callies and Götz (2015), Wisniewski (2019), Gablasova (2020), and Cushing (2022), contextualizing studies on teaching, learning and assessment in the CL scenario. In addition, we considered Bakhtin’s (2003) concept of discourse genre and definitions of proficiency and assessment from Weigle (2002), Schlatter et al. (2009), Scaramucci (2012), Schoffen et al. (2018), Brasil (2020) and Schoffen (2021). We used corpus-based methodology (Biber, 2009) to analyze the use of lexical resources in texts assessed with grades 2 (Intermediate) and 5 (Upper Advanced) in task 4 of the 2015-2 edition of Celpe-Bras. The analysis revealed differences and similarities in the use of lexical resources related to the construction of genre and interlocutory relationships. These linguistic resources were more frequent and appropriate in texts at more advanced levels. This study provides teachers with a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the proficiency levels assessed by Celpe-Bras and can inform the development of more effective Teaching materials, improving student preparation (Nagasawa, 2018). The results contribute to a better understanding of the exam and to training teachers to use corpus studies in their pedagogical planning, since these studies indicate linguistic aspects that can lead to better (con) textual adequacy.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Schoffen, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS

PhD in Applied Linguistics from the Postgraduate in Literature from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; master in Language Studies and degree in Literature by the same institution. Professor at the Institute of Letters from UFRGS, in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Celpe-Bras exam since 2008 and creator of the Celpe-Bras Collection. Leads the research group AVALIA – Usage Assessment of Language.


Luiza Divino, PPG Letras/UFRGS

Mestranda em Linguística Aplicada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (bolsista CAPES) e graduada em Licenciatura em Letras - Língua Portuguesa e Literatura da Língua Portuguesa, Língua Alemã e Literatura da Língua Alemã na mesma instituição. Atuou como professora-bolsista de Português para Estrangeiros no programa Idiomas sem Fronteiras/UFCSPA e como professora no curso de Preparatório Celpe-Bras no Programa de Português para Estrangeiros - UFRGS. Ministra cursos de alemão no Núcleo de Ensino de Línguas em Extensão (NELE) do Departamento de Línguas Modernas do Instituto de Letras da UFRGS e é membro do grupo de pesquisa AVALIA - Avaliação de Uso da Linguagem.


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How to Cite

Schoffen, J., & Divino, L. (2023). Contributions of Corpus Linguistics to Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL) teachers training: recommendations based on the description of proficiency levels assessed in a Written Task of Celpe-Bras. Letras De Hoje, 58(1), e44904.



Dossier: Teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA)