When the motivarion is the encounter

Project in a AL online course





projects, encounter, additional language, online teaching, teacher training.


Starting from an educational focus based on the notion of a person constituted in their interpersonal relationships, the article brings a brief reflection on the motivation in Additional Language learning projects in the online modality. Considering that a group of participants in an online course is made up of people, the reflection addresses some aspects of human motivation that drive them to get involved in a project and collaborate effectively in the creation of a final product corresponding to a discursive genre characteristic of interactions virtual social. For this, we take the example of one of the editions of the CEPI Spanish/Portuguese Course, in which the participants developed a project to organize a face-to-face meeting, creating the corresponding event in the social network used during the course. The reflection establishes a relationship between the actions carried out by the participants with a view to a shared purpose and which affect the meeting, understood philosophically as a relational phenomenon. The result points out that projects whose unifying element is the encounter are motivating because the human being himself is moved to projects and developed through experiences that depend on creativity and collaboration, a process that focuses on the formation of active subjects in society and capable people. to intensify their social relationships. The resulting considerations may contribute to making teachers or project managers aware of the human aspects that enhance motivation, in order to inspire creative and collaborative proposals that multiply the opportunities for expanding the use of the Additional Language in genuine contexts of learning in the online modality.


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Author Biography

Nancibel Webber, Pesquisadora autônoma, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Doctor of Education from the Catholic University of Santa Fe - UCSF, Professor of Portuguese from the National University of Misiones - UNaM and Master in Applied Linguistics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Webber, N. (2023). When the motivarion is the encounter: Project in a AL online course. Letras De Hoje, 58(1), e44850. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7726.2023.1.44850



Dossier: Teaching Portuguese as an Additional Language (PLA)