Superaddressee’s marking and functions in different textual genres




Superaddressee, Discourse genres, Linguistic marks


The paper aims to offer an overview of the state of the art of studies centered on the Bakhtinian concept of superaddressee, understood as the third party that guarantees both a full understanding of what the speaker says, as well as the possibility of an understanding in other times and places. In other words, the role played by the superaddressee is to supply the recipient's shortcomings, overcoming the condition of what has been called “the tyranny of the present”. The article also proposes to offer not a model, but a path of analysis that proves to be productive for the identification of this superaddressee, proceeding to capture him in literary (Lucíola and Torto Arado) and academic genres (Luis Carlos Freitas's blog on educational assessment). Indeed, the superaddressee has been seen as an innovative concept for the group of participants in verbal interaction, but it has been little explored in researches produced in the area. Highlighting linguistic marks to capture the superaddressee constitutes a territory still largely unexplored, and that is why we chose to deepen the debates regarding the linguistic materiality in which the supersddressee is inscribed as the central theoretical contribution of this work. Thus, methodologically based on documentary analysis procedures stemming from a linguistic-discursive approach, the article advances the investigation of such materiality, contributing to the visualization of new functions of the superaddressee: in addition to the full understanding and explicitation of the group to which one belongs, it reveals, among others, its function as a process of improvement of the addressee himself, or even as a critical interlocutor of what is expressed in texts, a situation in which the superaddressee exceeds the expectations created by the speaker himself.


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Author Biographies

Décio Rocha, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Professor titular de Linguística do Departamento de Estudos da Linguagem do Instituto de Letras (UERJ); professor Associado de Francês, aposentado, do Instituto de Aplicação (UERJ); é pesquisador em Análise do Discurso, em interlocução com os estudos foucaultianos e deleuzianos. É membro do GT-ANPOLL Discurso, Trabalho e Ética.

Denise Brasil A. Aguiar, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, RJ, Brasil

Doutora em Letras (Literatura Comparada) pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2006). Atualmente é professora adjunta da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal Fluminense, onde trabalha com pesquisa e prática educativa na formação de professores de Letras. Desde 2018, atua como orientadora do Programa de Residência Pedagógica (UFF), na área de Letras, com financiamento da CAPES. 


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How to Cite

Rocha, D., & Brasil A. Aguiar, D. (2023). Superaddressee’s marking and functions in different textual genres. Letras De Hoje, 58(1), e44064.



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