Indicative classification of brazilian television programs: freedom of speech and its limits in cases of protection of children and adolescents


  • Vanessa Flores Oliveira PUCRS
  • Elton Somensi de Oliveira PUCRS


Indicative Classification, Social Communication, Television, Freedom of expression, Protection of children and adolescents.


This article presents the classification indicative of television programs in Brazil, highlighting its importance in the formation of children and adolescents. To this end, recovers the indicative classification history, inserting it into your communication context, encompassing the concepts of freedom of expression and right to information. There are also the constitutional mechanisms and the purpose of the Brazilian telecommunication. Subsequently, the protection of children and adolescents in the face of television programming is outlined in the case about the guiding principles, the role played by the family, society and the State and the effects caused by the TV. Also discuss the mechanisms of protection for infants and what the purpose of this regulation. Anyway, the work includes the indicative classification and the freedom of expression to determine whether the first is characterized as a form of censorship. Displays the likely evolution of the mechanism provided by the Ministry of Justice, through the Department of Justice, Rating, titles and qualification, stressing about the v-chip, software governed by Federal Law n. 10.359/01, but never deployed in national territory.

Author Biographies

Vanessa Flores Oliveira, PUCRS

Acadêmica do curso de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais – Faculdade de Direito – PUCRS

Elton Somensi de Oliveira, PUCRS

Doutor em Direito. Vice-Diretor da Faculdade de Direito da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul.


