Auto)Biography of a rural district in São Paulo: mysteries, forgettings, secrets


  • Chiara Vangelista Univresidade de Turim


oral history, rural neighborhood, mysteries, forgetfulness, secrets


By crossing the field notebook with interviews produced along an oral history research conducted in a rural neighborhood of Vale do Ribeira (SP) in the eighties of last century, the essay brings up a series of notes concerning the experience of a researcher in her work, the friction caused by the possible presence of a researcher in a peasant community, and on the overlooked and the secrets that are embedded in the plot of the building of a collective (auto)biography within a collectivity.


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Author Biography

Chiara Vangelista, Univresidade de Turim

Doutora em Ciências Políticas pela Univresidade de Turim (Itália) e Professora de História da América Latina na Universidade de Gênova (Itália).

How to Cite

Vangelista, C. (2011). Auto)Biography of a rural district in São Paulo: mysteries, forgettings, secrets. Educação, 34(2). Retrieved from