Ideals and reality: A self-contained class for bilingual autistic children


  • Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth
  • Pedro Ruiz


Educação especial bilíngüe, educação infantil, autismo. Bilingual special education, elementary education, autism.


This qualitative study addressed the experiences of selected bilingual children with autism spectrum disorder in an early elementary bilingual special education classroom. Data included in-person and videotaped observation, and interviews with staff and parents. Despite the dedication of teachers, staff, and family, challenges included linguistic limitations of bilingual practitioners, inconsistent use of Spanish and/or English, lack of parental understanding of the nature of autism, and unrealistic demands on staff. The noisy classroom environment, while it sometimes reflected learning, often signified disruption. Professional preparation of teachers was also inadequate.


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Author Biographies

Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth

Doutora em Lingüística. Diretora do Programa de Doutorado em Estudos Multilíngües e Multiculturais da New New York Universty

Pedro Ruiz

Doutor em Educação Bilíngüe. Ccoordenador para a Secretaria de Educação Bilíngüe e Línguas Estrangeiras no Departamento de Educação do Estado de Nnova Yyork.

How to Cite

Ebsworth, M. E., & Ruiz, P. (2009). Ideals and reality: A self-contained class for bilingual autistic children. Educação, 32(1). Retrieved from



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