Teacher’s attitudes

Revising factor structure and construct validity of the interaction with people with disabilities scale





inclusion, teachers, interaction-with-people-with-disabilities-scale, Angola, multivariate data analysis.


Teachers’ positive interactions with people with disabilities improve their awareness and advocacy for inclusion, which is an important policy and community goal worldwide. Therefore, to guide and shape inclusive efforts in Angola as well as to promote advances in research related to measurement of attitudes we conducted a study to analyzed the factor structure, validity, and reliability of the Interaction with People with Disability Scale (IDPS) for a sample of 1352 elementary teachers. Results of an exploratory factorial analysis showed a solution with factors of discomfort, coping, and vulnerability explaining 64.29% of the variance. A confirmatory factorial analysis suggested a model with good fit and convergent validity for discomfort and coping, and good evidence of discriminate validity for the three factors. We discussed and concluded with how this results and how exploring attitudes towards people with disabilities with the IDPS can be useful when promoting activities for teachers training in inclusive education.


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Loução Martins, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal.

Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, at the Institute of Education, University of Minho in Braga, Portugal. PhD in Child Studies, specializing in Special Education since 2006. Integrated member of the Child Studies Research Center, with a particular interest in research into the assumptions for a quality inclusive school, specific learning difficulties in reading (dyslexia) , the use of curriculum-based monitoring as a way of identifying students at risk of having dyslexia and about longitudinal studies.

Professor, Universidade de Lueji A`Nkonde, Lunda Norte, Angola

Assistant Professor at the Department of Teaching and Research in Pedagogy, at the Pedagogical School from Lunda-Norte, Lueji A`Nkonde University, Angola. PhD in Child Studies since 2021, specialty of Special Education. Master in Special Education, specialty in Difficulty and Specific Learning. Degree in Education Sciences, specialty in Teaching Psychology. He has a particular interest in research into students with learning difficulties specific, and assumptions and policies for the inclusion of students with special educational needs in Angola.


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How to Cite

Loução Martins, A. P., & Tomás, G. (2024). Teacher’s attitudes: Revising factor structure and construct validity of the interaction with people with disabilities scale. Educação, 47(1), e45156. https://doi.org/10.15448/1981-2582.2024.1.45156