The problem of education in the accelerated society and the expropriation of attention




Bildung, attention, acceleration, reading, disciplinary society, achievement society


The problem of education in the accelerated society and the expropriation of attention. The classical conception of Bildung was modelled on cultural activities, especially reading, which presupposed a high degree of concentration, silence and solitude; they were expected to produce a reflective, autonomous and formed subjectivity that was ideally the subject of classical Modernity. The technological changes and social habits that have taken place in the last decades, simultaneously to the contemporary neoliberal order have eroded this type of cultural activities, particularly reading, introducing an accelerated way of life that is dominated by immediacy and that, according to some contemporary theorists (Harmut Rosa, Jonathan Crary, Byung Chul Han) can be considered as a form of alienation. Above all, the loss of capacity for attention and concentration, linked to the use of new technologies, represents a challenge for classical Bildung and requires a reformulation of it.


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Author Biography

António Gómez Ramos, Universidad Carlos III, Getafe, Madrid, España

Doctor en Filosofía y Letras, sección filosofía, por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España. Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras, sección Filosofía, por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Estudios finalizados en 1987, en la especialidad de Lógica y Teoría de la Ciencia. Grado obtenido en 1991, con la calificación de Sobresaliente y premio extraordinario. (Memoria de licenciatura: Hermenéutica e Idealidad del texto). Profesor Titular de Filosofía en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Departamento de Humanidades: Filosofía, Lenguaje y Literatura.


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How to Cite

Gómez Ramos, A. (2020). The problem of education in the accelerated society and the expropriation of attention. Educação, 43(2), e35967.



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