The integrity of being as a way for the constitution of the teacher as a subject




Integrity of being. Constitution of the teacher as a subject. Liberating conversation. Coexistence.


In this text I present my reflections about the constitution of the teacher as a subject, taking as a theoretical path the Biological-Cultural Matrix of Human Existence. I start from the assumption that this matrix contains concepts that allow us to understand the different dimensions of living and living together. Articulating concepts of that scaffolding, my experiences as a committed researcher and the voices of other actors who investigate this subject, I express my conception of integrity of being, in the sense of a state of consciousness that allows one to look at oneself with legitimacy and presence with the purpose of being with the other, in coexistence and in mutual transformation. In this reflective path, I propose some principles that can trigger internal processes that allow the emergence of that state of integrity, inspired by the concept of liberating conversation. To conclude, I argue that by acting from a state of presence and in connection with students, in spaces of coexistence the teacher is educating for peace, in a dimension that includes spirituality.


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Author Biography

Eliana Maria do Sacramento Soares, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

bacharel, licenciada e mestre em Matemática pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, e doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos, SP. Atua como professora e pesquisadora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul, RS onde também é membro do corpo permanente do programa de pós-graduação, mestrado em Educação, na linha educação, linguagem e tecnologia. Participa de projetos de pesquisa em temas relacionados a formação docente no contexto da cultura digital; artefatos digitais e processos educativos e tecnologia digital, cognição e subjetividade, Educação e Cultura de Paz.  


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How to Cite

Soares, E. M. do S. (2018). The integrity of being as a way for the constitution of the teacher as a subject. Educação, 41(1), 59–65.



Dossiê: A construção de profissionalidade: a pessoa em formação