The municipal plans of education: between the recentralization and local regulations


  • Jorge Martins Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP) / Universidade do Porto (UP)



Educative municipalism. Educative local plan. Local regulation. Educational recentralization.


In the context of a new frame on educative decentralization, and having as object of reflection municipal educative management manual’s, where the choices made by the local authorities relatively to the aims of the strategical planning and to the processes of educational management in a specific set of portuguese cities are clear, this text looks for to characterize the dialectic established between the national and the local educative politics and to identify the main points of homogeneity and heterogeneity of the respective politics. We conclude that municipal educative plans are very influenced by the national agenda and by the contractualized decentralization that the government presented recently to the municipalities, through execution contracts. These, even so they have not been accepted by all the local authorities, had finished by influencing educative municipalism, thus fulfilling its primordial regulating and recentralization role.


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Author Biography

Jorge Martins, Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP) / Universidade do Porto (UP)

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugual) e Professor na Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugual).


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How to Cite

Martins, J. (2014). The municipal plans of education: between the recentralization and local regulations. Educação, 37(2), 239–247.



Dossier - Educational planning: from national to local