An Interpretation of the Right to Education in the light of Rawls’ Theory


  • Marcos Rohling UFSC



Rawls. Right to education. Education. Justice as fairness. Theories of justice.


This text has the purpose to discuss what is a right to education from the theory of justice as fairness to Rawls. Therefore, it is divided in five parts: i) firstly, discusses the right to education in the Brazilian case in view of constitutional provision; ii) it follows evaluating the state’s role in the thought of Rawls and it argues up the ideas of society and primary goods, viewed as the background of education; iii) explains the right to education from TJ as legitimate expectation, and the modifications made by Rawls to justice as fairness, presenting it as part of the minimum essential and therefore as social law constitutional; and, finally, iv) explores the role and function of education as is Rawls’s theory allows.


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Author Biography

Marcos Rohling, UFSC

Mestre em Filosofia (Ética e Filosofia Política - UFSC) e doutorando em Educação (História e Sociologia da Educação - UFSC)


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How to Cite

Rohling, M. (2016). An Interpretation of the Right to Education in the light of Rawls’ Theory. Educação, 38(3), 389–403.