Alfred Schutz as a critic of social ontological: robinsonades Revisiting his objections to Husserl’s 5th Cartesian meditation


  • Alexis Gros University of Buenos Aires


Palabras clave:

Alfred Schutz. Fenomenologia. Ontologia social. Intersubjetividade. Fenomenologia transcendental.


Alfred Schutz tends to be falsely considered as an illustrious representative of social ontological individualism. In this paper, I seek to correct this flawed interpretation of his work by means of a revisitation of his criticism of what I – taking up a Marxian term – call the “robinsonades“ intrinsic to Husserl’s 5th Cartesian Meditation. It is my contention that the systematic reconstruction of this classical criticism makes it possible to lay bare Schutz’s actual ontological account, namely: social ontological intersubjectivism.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alexis Gros, University of Buenos Aires

PhD in Social Sciences (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Post-Doc Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (Conicet). He is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Cultural History at the University of Belgrano (UB) and Lecturer of Social Phenomenology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), both in Buenos Aires, Argentina


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Cómo citar

Gros, A. (2017). Alfred Schutz as a critic of social ontological: robinsonades Revisiting his objections to Husserl’s 5th Cartesian meditation. Civitas: Revista De Ciências Sociais, 17(3), 435–455.



Sociología y Fenomenología - entrega de textos: enero a mayo 2017