Abusive postcolonial conditions and the tasks of Critical Theory





Post-colonialism, Coloniality, Racism, Imperialism, Gender


The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School has largely ignored to address European colonialism, and so far it has also been hesitant to take an interest in its legacy. The present article assumes that this lack of interest is detrimental to a critical analysis of society. It shows in which directions a Critical Theory could be developed in order to take our post-colonial constellation seriously. The coloniality of power (Aníbal Quijano), connections between modernity, racism and democracy (Achille Mbembe), the implications of imperialism for the modern state system (James Tully) and connections between postcolonialism and gender (Gayatri Spivak) are discussed.


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Author Biography

Ina Kerner, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Deutschland.

Doutora em Ciência Política pela Freie Universität Berlin, Berlim, Alemanha, com atuações em diversas universidades do Sul (Guatemala, África do Sul, Paquistão, Brasil) e do Norte (EUA, Grã-Bretanha) globais. Professora de ciência política e diretora do Instituto para Ciência da Cultura da Universidade de Koblens-Landau, Koblens, Alemanha.


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How to Cite

Kerner, I. (2022). Abusive postcolonial conditions and the tasks of Critical Theory. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 22, e41728. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2022.1.41728



Dossier: The political actuality of Critical Theory