From reciprocal recognition to a society that is properly ‘social’: on Axel Honneth’s recent work




Reciprocal recognition. Institutional intersubjectivity. Social freedom. Socialism. Struggle for recognition.


This paper addresses Axel Honneth's recent endeavors to defend his theory of justice, broadly described in Freedom's right (2011) as an analysis of society. The paper begins by exposing Honneth's model as a theory of institutional intersubjectivity rather than a theory of the struggle for recognition. This model, however, was subject of criticism due to its supposedly acceptance of the social order of capitalistic market economy. In order to defend it from such objections, Honneth (2016) exposes the normative core of the socialist ideals as a version of social freedom. Finally, he presents a distinction between two forms of political intervention: an internal and an external struggle for recognition – and asserts the advantages of the former.


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How to Cite

de Souza, L. G. da C. (2017). From reciprocal recognition to a society that is properly ‘social’: on Axel Honneth’s recent work. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 17(3), a98-a114.