Health councils: “macro” and “micro” visions


  • Maria Eliana Labra



After introducing main normative aspects of the Brazilian Health Councils, the author discusses them from two contrasting perspectives – one broader and narrow the other. The first one, or “macro”, shows the extraordinary development of the citizens’ participation in public spaces of deliberation over a variety of matters involving large and dense networks of heterogeneous social society organizations together with government officials and other actors. The second one, or “micro”, examines the problems, dilemmas and challenges actually faced by the health councils in attaining its objectives. The exposition concludes pointing out the relevant role played by the health councils as “schools of civic learning”; nevertheless, argues that deficits of social capital and of civil engagement existing in the Brazilian society would negatively affect the legitimacy of those arenas and the efficacy of social control over the health public policy process. Key words: Administrative councils; Health; Social control; Public policies.


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How to Cite

Labra, M. E. (2006). Health councils: “macro” and “micro” visions. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 199–221.