Histories-movements for citizenship: narratives local councils in Cariacica, ES


  • Elizabeth Maria Andrade Aragão
  • Helerina Aparecida Novo




On Brazilian Federal law 8.069 by 1990, from Young Children and Teenagers Statute, foresee a creation of Council of Law of Guardianship counsels and from a childhood city fund and teenager while institutional tripots responsables to the politics of assistance to childhood and of Brazilians teenagers. The aim of this kind of study was analyze like the news socials actors, specifically the guardian ship counselors they got established like the protagonist of this type of politic coming. Through each interviewer developed terms that was referred with their childhood, their professional activity, their community insertion, their social wrestles what include their vision about power, their activities as guardianship members. In synthesis, each interviewer was stimulated to tell his/her history with the possibility to say everything that is considered highly expressive. All the information colleted was organized in shafts, by theoretical proposition of the analyzed contents. In the analyze was used the suffer ethic-politics like parsing category, showing like all this information got together on the lives of the interviewers as the religion practice, a learning of day by day, sharing, permanent wrestle to survive and social transformation. Key words: Guardianship counsels; Citizenship; Oral history.


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How to Cite

Aragão, E. M. A., & Novo, H. A. (2006). Histories-movements for citizenship: narratives local councils in Cariacica, ES. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 181–197. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2006.1.28