The economic sociology of Simmel and Bourdieu: considerations for a research program


  • Ricardo Visser Instituto de pesquisa econômica aplicada (IPEA)



Bourdieu. Simmel. Economic practices. Class theory. Inequality.


The analysis of some theoretical arguments in the economic writings of
Pierre Bourdieu and Georg Simmel assumes the importance of the investigation on  economic practices and conditions. Instead of presupposing, on one hand, that practices are a mere reflex of economic conditions and, on the other, that practices determine conditions, we adhere to the idea of mutual conditioning. In this sense, the access to prospective economic practices depend on relatively stable conditions in which the potential usage of money flourishes. The reconstruction of the works of both mentioned authors follows this path by trying to contribute to the renewal of class theory.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Visser, Instituto de pesquisa econômica aplicada (IPEA)

Doutor em sociologia pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora e com estágio sanduíche na Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, participa há 10 anos de pequisa em âmbito nacional e internacional.


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How to Cite

Visser, R. (2017). The economic sociology of Simmel and Bourdieu: considerations for a research program. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 17(2), e60-e78.