Expansion and political activism of conservative evangelical groups: secularization and pluralism in debate


  • Ricardo Mariano Universidade de São Paulo




Secularization. Pluralism. Evangelicals. Political activism. Public arena.


This paper departs from the presentation and critical analysis of Peter Berger’s The Sacred Canopy, as the 50th anniversary of its publication approaches in 2017, in order to address some aspects of the academic reviews and debates around the theory of secularization and cultural and religious pluralism. It focuses on the relationship between secularization, pluralism and the expansion of conservative evangelical groups, by examining their subcultural identity and conservative political activism.


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How to Cite

Mariano, R. (2016). Expansion and political activism of conservative evangelical groups: secularization and pluralism in debate. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 16(4), 708–726. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2016.4.25765