The speculator-investor figure resignification and the financial education practices


  • Elaine da Silveira Leite Universidade Federal de Pelotas UFPel



Finance. Investor. Financial education.


This article reviews socioeconomic literature that explains how economic practices condemned at certain times were ressignified and gained social legitimacy. It traces a history from the figure of the greedy speculator to the current image of the “rational” investor, who strengthens current financial education projects. Finally, the paper also provides subsidies to elucidate the rise of popular investors and the expansion of financial education programs in Brazil, which is constituted as a social arrangement shared by agents and producers of the country’s financial world.



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How to Cite

Leite, E. da S. (2017). The speculator-investor figure resignification and the financial education practices. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 17(1), 114–130.



Finances and society