Private property, critique of reification and the socialization of the means of production


  • Hauke Brunkhorst Universidade de Frankfurt



Distributive justice. Reification. Emancipation. Democracy. Socialism.


The problem of a society based on private property of productive forces are the unequal and unjust conditions of producing economic wealth and political power. The bourgeois legal concept of private property is a paradigmatic combination of the reification of universal concepts and class-interest. An exemplary case is Hegel’s Philosophy of law. The essay tries to reconstruct the idea of democratic socialism as a still workable alternative.


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How to Cite

Brunkhorst, H. (2016). Private property, critique of reification and the socialization of the means of production. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 15(4), 595–618.



Justice and social institutions in democracy