Max Weber and the atom of Sociology: a moderate methodological individualism?


  • Carlos Eduardo Sell UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Departamento de Sociologia e Ciência Política



Max Weber. Methodological individualism. Methodological holism. Social action. Social structure.


What is the nature of methodological individualism of Max Weber? To clarify this issue the article reviews the debate between holistics and individualistics paradigms, highlighting the rapprochement attempts between these positions. Based on Economy and society, we seek to determine, in an immanent way, Weber’s understanding of individualism as a method. In the final part we discuss critically the attempts to read Max Weber’s Sociology in light of the controversy between the individualistic and holistic perspectives. The article asks how the concepts resulting from this debate can help to clarify and justify the nature, premises and consequences of version of individualism postulated by Max Weber


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Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Sell, UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Departamento de Sociologia e Ciência Política

Professor do departamento de sociologia e ciência política. Dedica-se aos temas da teoria sociológica, com ênfase no pensamento social alemão.


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How to Cite

Sell, C. E. (2016). Max Weber and the atom of Sociology: a moderate methodological individualism?. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 16(2), 323–347.