Power relations and social control in violent areas


  • Melissa de Mattos Pimenta Ufrgs




Power relations. Social control. Organized crime. Territory. Violence.


This article aims to discuss the social interaction dynamics between inhabitants of areas with high crime rates and greatly exposed to violence and criminal groups that act in organized ways by the use of violence. The study takes into consideration the main forms through which such groups establish power and exert control over the population. The main subjects analysed are the feelings of fear and insecurity, the relationship between social networks and daily sociability practices in public and private spaces, and the coexistence with groups connected with crime that exert power in these localities. The text is based on part of the results of a research carried out between 2009 and 2010, conducted by the Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, the Instituto Latino-Americano das Nações Unidas para Prevenção do Delito e Tratamento do Delinquente (Ilanud) and the Instituto Sou da Paz, with support from the Brazilian Ministry of Justice-Senasp.


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How to Cite

Pimenta, M. de M. (2015). Power relations and social control in violent areas. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 15(1), 84–104. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2015.1.16934