The contemporary utopian narrative: The caliphate, martyrdom and political violence


  • Jacques A. Wainberg Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Utopia. Narrative. Salafism.


The role performed by grand narratives can be documented nowadays in political and revolutionaries discourses that Salafist groups are disseminating through various means of communication. The caliphate, martyrdom and political violence are three key subjects of this new type of rhetoric. The military and religious actions on behalf on pan-islamism are among its main effects. This case also documents the role these kind of utopian narratives have in the consolidation of human identities.


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Author Biography

Jacques A. Wainberg, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Sociólogo e cientista político, professor nos PPGs Ciências Sociais e Ciências Criminais da Pucrs, pesquisador do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Wainberg, J. A. (2014). The contemporary utopian narrative: The caliphate, martyrdom and political violence. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 14(3), e53-e66.