"Visibilities" and strategies in the presidential elections of 2002 in Brazil: politics, media and cullture


  • Antonio Albino Canelas Rubim




The text intents to analize one of the great news of the presidential election of 2002: its intense mediactic visibility, specially if compared to the previous electoral experimentations, like the presidential election of 1998, that suferred, as several writers state, an strong silencing process. After discuss the different "visibilities" built by the media in the eletion of 2002, this paper tries to understand campaign strategies developed by the candidatures (Lula and Serra) as they articulate and try to adapt themselves to the first moment of the political confrontation for visibility in the contemporary society: the public dispute which implyes in construtions and descontructions forocial images of the political actors in the electoral ompetition of 2002. Key words: Visibility; elections; media; culture; politics


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How to Cite

Rubim, A. A. C. (2007). "Visibilities" and strategies in the presidential elections of 2002 in Brazil: politics, media and cullture. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 327–350. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2002.2.105