Policy and cultur

The relationchip between individual and structure form de perspective of theories of electoral behavior





Individual and structure, Dialetic, Political culture, Political behavior


The article intends to offer a contribution to the theme of the relationship between individual consciousness and structural determinations in the process of building the patterns of behavior of subjects, especially in the political/ electoral field. For this, it carries out a reflection centered on the attempt to understand, theoretically, how the process of determining individual choices takes place and what is the weight of subjective elements and structural conditions in these determinations. Initially, we seek to theoretically delimit the debate on the relationship between individual and structure in marxist orientation social theory, especially from two authors who have focused on the theme with important contributions, namely, Edward P. Thompson and Ellen M. Wood. Then, and based on the theoretical contributions of these authors, we deal with the main approaches to political-electoral behavior, to then reflect on how these can be situated in relation to the approaches presented and, eventually, have their explanatory potential expanded from them.


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Author Biographies

Ivann Carlos Lago, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Cerro Largo/RS, Brasil.

PhD in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, Florianópolis/SC, Brazil). Professor at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Cerro Largo Campus (Cerro Largo/RS, Brazil), where he works in the Postgraduate Program in Development and Public Policies.

Edemar Rotta, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Cerro Largo, RS, Brasil

PhD in Social Service from the Pontifical University Catholic (PUC, Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil). Professor at
Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Cerro Campus Largo (Cerro Largo/RS, Brazil), where he works in the Program Postgraduate in Development and Policies Public.


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How to Cite

Lago, I. C., & Rotta, E. (2023). Policy and cultur: The relationchip between individual and structure form de perspective of theories of electoral behavior. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 22(1), e43631. https://doi.org/10.15448/1677-9509.2023.1.43631

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