Discursive genre, enunciative position and dilemmas of didactic transposition: new reflections


  • Adail Sobral Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel)


Discourse genre – description, Bakhtin, dialogism, enunciative relationships/interlocutive relationships


This work explores principles for the definition of discourse genre – in its vital correlation with spheres of activity – in terms of authorial agency (collective in genres and individual in the mobilization of its devices). This agency implies the organization of an architectonics (with a greater or lesser degree of freedom), and encompasses, subsuming, thematic unit (the totality of sense of the utterance/discourse), compositional form and (generic and authorial) style, something which imposes the utterer a certain specter of possible enunciative positions.


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How to Cite

Sobral, A. (2011). Discursive genre, enunciative position and dilemmas of didactic transposition: new reflections. Letras De Hoje, 46(1), 37–45. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/9246



Alterity, Dialogue and Polyphony